GPHSF, Your Family Health Team Foundation, is hosting the 4th Annual Darkness To Light, for community members impacted by suicide and overdose. Taking place Saturday, December 21st at Rogers Cove, Darkness to Light is an outdoor sunrise gathering, marking brighter days ahead after the solstice, which is the day with the smallest amount of daylight. Julie Brown, who led last year’s event, will return to lead the group with a message of support and moment of silence as the sun rises on the morning of the winter solstice. The event will be rain, snow or shine and is free to attend thanks to the support of Seven Hills Developments. Those wishing to attend can show up the morning of the event, but are encouraged to pre-register HERE. Organizers are asking guests to arrive by 7:30 am as sunrise is expected at 7:45 am that morning.
“The holidays can be a difficult time for those struggling with bereavement. After feedback about how impactful the last three ceremonies have been, we are glad to be able to offer once again some comfort for people impacted by suicide and overdose in our community.” said Vince Bierworth, Executive Director, GPHSF, Your Family Health Team Foundation. “All are welcome to join us at Rogers Cove on the morning of December 21st and we would encourage people to come for 7:30 am, have a coffee and join us in a moment of silence as the sun rises over the lake.”
While the event is being offered free of charge, donations can be made and will be directed to support the Suicide Bereavement work at Hospice Peterborough. Please follow this link to donate
“Our community has been significantly impacted by suicide and overdose and we hope that this gathering will help create a space where those directly touched can come together for a quiet moment.” said Julie Brown.
“We are very grateful to GPHSF, Your Family Health Team Foundation and Seven Hills Developments for enabling this event to take place again and offering the opportunity for people impacted by suicide and overdose deaths to come together in this meaningful, safe way.” Said Hajni Hős, Executive Director of Hospice Peterborough.